Cupid refers to carp, but it is food for aquatic vegetation. This kind of fish can reach 120 centimeters in length and mass in 33 kilogram. an elongated housing, slightly flattened on the sides. Scales have cupids with dark edges and not a little. The back has a green color with a darker shade, side yellow, and the belly is golden. Fish is found almost all over the world: in Africa, Europe, America and much of Asia.
This resident of freshwater can be found near aquatic vegetation, because he loves her very. Grass carp is very difficult to pick up on the hook, his caution envy each other fish. Catching carp best at + 16 ° C. Hunt followed by September with the onset of.
In search of grass carp should choose stronger gear, because this fish is not weak and during vyvazhivaniya able to add adrenaline fisherman. If fishing takes place from the shore, it is best to approach carp rod length 3 m. Also, do not forget about the coil, which also has to be very strong and have a diameter on the line itself 0,45 mm, and the hooks is better to take these dimensions, as the number 5-8.
Bait - a very important point in the search for Cupid. The choice of additives to the bait, you can stop on oatmeal or cornflakes. Unlike other white fish, Cupid is not necessary zakarmlivat immediately upon arrival, this should be done only after, all tackles are already in the water. For this interesting fish menu was nicknamed "herbal carp". Among the tips for fishing, you can use cucumber, young corn and algae, as well as potatoes and peas. Very nice to see the Amur in the bait well makuxu. In some waters, this species of fish are biting very well in the aromatic tall.
Already during the catch should be remembered, that the carp is very accurate, and at first only eyeing the bait, then gently trying to suck it, and only then, unless there was no suspicion, missing, very sharply swallows nozzle and forcefully drags. It was at this moment and it is necessary to strike.
Another interesting fact, which wants every fisherman: it vyvazhivanie, which can give a lot of adrenaline, excitement, because nobody wants to lose a catch.