mushrooms – gifts of the forest

mushrooms – gifts of the forest



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Mushrooms - one of the most important objects actively used by humans in food, economic and medical purposes. The biological and ecological diversity of mushrooms is very great..
Currently known about 100 thousand. species mushrooms.


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There are five types of mushrooms.


  1. Edible mushrooms

  2. Conditionally – edible

  3. inedible

  4. Hallucinogenic

  5. Poisonous


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Edible Mushrooms Can Be Eaten Without Health Risk.
Edible mushrooms cannot be eaten raw. Some of them need to be boiled before cooking.



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Inedible mushrooms are poisonous and hallucinogenic..

Hallucinogenic. The use of hallucinogenic mushrooms is prohibited.

Poisonous mushrooms have toxic substances — toxins. Their use can cause painful death from poisoning.







mushrooms – gifts of the forest


Conventionally, mushrooms are divided into lower and higher.
In higher fungi, hyphae are divided into cells.
In lower fungi, hyphae do not have transverse septa, and the mycelium is a single highly branched cell.
Mushrooms eat fruiting bodies. A typical fruit body of such a mushroom consists of a hat and a leg.
Mushrooms reproduce asexually or sexually.
Asexual reproduction - spore or vegetative.
Sexual reproduction – formed by the fusion of specialized germ cells.

Mushrooms grow widely. Most mushrooms have their own specialization - some love conifers, others are hardwood, and some have a narrower specialization.


Ceps prefer old trees.


mushrooms - gifts of the forest



Butterflies love young pines. Boletus belongs to the genus of boletus, can be found under the aspen - but not only under it. There are about fifteen species of boletus. May occur in swamps, along the roadsides, and in the parks.




You need to pick mushrooms in ecologically clean places.
For safe mushroom picking it is best to learn from the local population.
You need to pick mushrooms correctly: the mushroom is best gently twisted, like a light bulb.


Белые грибы

White mushrooms

Any mushrooms are better to soak.. First they need to be washed, clear of dirt, cut into equal pieces and soak in salt water for a period of half an hour to an hour.
All forest mushrooms must be boiled. First broth through 5 minutes of boiling must be drained, toxins will remain in it. The minimum cooking time for mushrooms is thirty minutes.



 Дары леса

Gifts of the forest

Mushrooms can be frozen as in boiled, so fresh.
Do not re-freeze them, mushrooms can be spoiled.
When cooking, you can identify a bad mushroom. To do this, add the onion to the pan, and if her skin turns blue, then that means, that there is a toxic mushroom in your pan.
All sorts of mushrooms can be dried. There are many ways to dry mushrooms.. Mushrooms must not be washed before drying.
Dried mushrooms are best stored in paper or in a glass jar..
They can be stored for about two years..

How to collect, keep, salt, pickle and dry?




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