How to fish on the last ice

How to fish on the last ice

spring comes. On the street the sun warms. melting snowdrifts. Darkens and dialed ice water reservoirs. Changes occur and under ice. The rim appeared near the shore began to get melt water, oxygen-rich.

Как рыбачить по последнему льду

Last ice

Some types of fish populations are preparing for spawning. Pike and perch, he is about to begin. There is not much time before the ban on fishing, associated with spawning. The time has come at last ice fishing - the most productive fishing throughout the year. Where to look today, the fish and how to catch? What dangers lie in wait for anglers on the ice and how to avoid them?

Where to search for fish

On receipt of melt water in fish ponds, as mentioned, moving the bead, in shallow water. During this period, it seems to be ousted from the channel brovok on shallow areas. The reason is simple - in these places the water is warmer, than mainstream. Melt water also enters the reservoirs of the various streams and streams. Here is concentrated fry, a, hence the predator. These days even the seasoned predator moves in the shallow water.

What kind of fish can be found in shallow water

Sure, primarily, This ubiquitous roach and perch. And the bass is very even decent size. Unlike their smaller cousins, he, as known, kept alone. AND, like shtuke, hunts from ambush. Therefore, in the shallow waters of a large perch should look at a depth of 2 to 4 meters snags on the bottom. Roach, as usual, keeps Staino. And finding a flock, you can get a decent catch. So, more.


Как рыбачить по последнему льду

Roach in wells

How to fish on the last ice. Small fry in shallow water, you must first find, drill several wells in the reservoir. Further, those wells, who "responded" you must lure. And then fishing on turns.

Well at this time to catch roach on the jig. Tackle should be fine and well-tuned. Used heavy fine mormyshkas (tungsten). Fishing line diameter from 0,06 to 0,1 mm. Roach often takes on the lower jig when its vibrations with a large amplitude and low frequency. Lift height around the rod 50 cm.

noticed, that large roach at this time takes approximately 30 see bottom. If the biting intensity decreases, should knock jig along the bottom and then start the game on a jig.


Как рыбачить по последнему льду


At this time, as perfectly caught on jig. Against gluhozime jig can be used over a considerable size. Fishing Line - up 0,15 mm. Hooked jig crank baits better brush pieces on 5-7. But you can try to catch and without nozzle.

Game mormyshkas common. The amplitude of the small. Okun takes, usually, on the rise. Search Tactics fish is drilling a large number of holes (to start the pieces 20). And then follows the fishing on all, identifying the most productive.

Уловистые мормышки

catchability mormyshkas

After the capture of multiple instances (until it fall intensity bite) should move to the next hole, used to fertilize a pinch of bloodworms or Gammarus.

Compliance with safety regulations

How to fish on the last ice. Since the movement of the ice in the late winter and early spring becomes dangerous, behave gently on fishing very carefully. Observe the following:

• If possible, refrain from drinking alcohol. Comment this rule, I think, superfluously.

• You do not need to show heroism, mettle. If you already have failed, it does not follow, dressed, again run on the ice. If lucky once, it is not necessary, that you are lucky and the second.

• We need to understand, that no fish is not worth your own life and health. It should not look for obviously dangerous areas of the reservoir.

• In this regard, it is necessary to look carefully at his feet. Dark soaked with water ice at this time is extremely dangerous. And be sure to take with you on a fishing trip ice chisel.

• Do not go near the ravine, springs and streams.

• It is extremely dangerous rain while fishing. At a positive temperature of ice rain eroded very quickly.

• Do not go on the ice alone. Your friends, in which case, always be able to come to the rescue.

• It is advisable to take with rope, and the so-called "spasalki» – sharp objects, by which to crawl on ice.

• In no case do not go on the ice in the dark and be sure to get out before dark with pond.

If still you have failed, the most important thing - do not panic. And to try to call for help. And to try to get out on the ice. After all, in the polynya through 5 supercooling may occur minutes.

Окунь на льду

Perch on ice

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