


common minnow

Minnow - fish of the carp family, kind peskarey. It has a small size and remarkable views. The body of a cylindrical gudgeon, small length, not exceeding 20-22 cm, covered with large scales. Color of minnow gray-green, to the abdomen becomes yellowish-silver shade. On the sides there are dark spots, which merge into a strip. Spots are also available on the dorsal and caudal fin, while they are arranged in several regular rows. The greater the age minnow, the richer and darker its color. There is also a minnow hallmark – two small mustache, located in the corners of the mouth.

Gudgeon inhabits in large and small rivers, flow-through lakes and ponds. He is very picky about the water and its slightest contamination causes the death of fish. His element - it is a pure running water, but at the same time it should not be too fast and cold. Minnow - fish, Leading exclusively diurnal. At night, he falls to the bottom, resting in his fins, or hiding in the water vegetation, feeling safe. In spring flocks flock minnows in the shallows and in small places with a sandy bottom, that actually, and gave the name of this genus of fish. Almost all the summer and autumn some of the minnows continue to bask in the afternoon in the shallows, in bays and places with sand and muddy day, but starting to go and see, and to a considerable depth. With the onset of late autumn leaves minnow winter in the river pit, Ponds and lakes, Lying at the bottom.

Propitanie Pescara

Minnow - fish bottom, and almost never rises to the upper water layers, independently, She is in the shallows or at depth. ibid, at the bottom, gudgeon and find their own food. His antennae help dig Pescara to the ground and find a lot of animal food. In addition to worms, larvae, Rachkov, various decaying organic matter and crank minnow eats eggs of other fish, often causing significant damage. noticed, that also eat minnows and their eggs.

Minnow fishing takes place in the lungs long rods and differs greater impact. Float used the easiest and common hook N 6-8. Nozzles are muckworm and bloodworm. No further gudgeon attachment is not interested in. Hook must certainly go to the bottom. With an abundance of minnows their catch directly to the two hooks. It is important when fishing rile. Murk attracts minnows and deprives him of caution. As the minnow is stationary at night, the bite begins to dawn and lasts until sunset. In the middle of the day, especially in hot weather, Activity gudgeon markedly reduced.

Before bad weather biting stops completely, after rain, conversely, activated. Its useful to note, that catch minnows may be hundreds. This fish rarely breaks off the hook, besides very often caught minnows pairs. Since the, minnow that is very hardy fish, it is used as a nozzle for predatory fish, eg, Nalimova. Despite its small size, This fish is very revered and is a favorite subject of fishing as an experienced, and novice anglers.


catch peskarey

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1 Response

  1. Ivan says:

    I must try to catch a gudgeon!

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