Catching features of the bream on the rocker.
Features of catching silver bream on a rocker.
On the yoke, big bream likes to take in conditions of muddy water and shallow depth.
Features catching bream on a yoke.
Many fishermen know, that in muddy water conditions gustera quite often comes to the very shore. On an ordinary float rod, she can take, just some two or three meters from the shore. The depth of the bottom in this case can be no more than half a meter. Such gear as a rocker can be used at a depth of 70 centimeters. Well, it turns out you just need to throw the bait away, away and throw the bait. As a rule, fishing is carried out on two float fishing rods.. One ordinary line with the most minimal parameters of the fishing line, hook, float and sinker, in general tackle equipped to catch small fish the size of a palm and one fishing rod, which is set to maximum or better average casting with rocker tackle.
Recently I was fishing with my friend on the shore of Lake Seliger, near the village of Zykovshchina, Novgorod region.
Blown surf, wind unpleasant for casting a fishing rod, but still all gear was abandoned. A friend every now and then pulled out a standard guster with a palm, and did it with enviable regularity, there was excitement in his eyes.
He caught on an ordinary earthworm. I put both fishing rods with a yoke, a little further from the coast. The first hour of bites I had almost no, but then it started.
At first, a charman weighing a kilogram pecked, then a few good bastards, obviously from 500 grams each. Naturally, there were no gatherings here, where without them, especially considering, that the hooks on the yoke were numbered 4.
I didn't put more, as this hook number is perfect for any body of water, even if there is a gathering of larger fish. been noticed, what if you put a hook from five and above on the rocker, the fish suddenly stop biting.
We bream pink fins, and white bream. But I still believe, that make sense to separate these two fishes there. Especially, that the experts still allocate conv, beads and beloglazku.
Tooling for large bream is better to take an average ogruzkoy, so that the nozzle does not get stuck on strands of mud somewhere in the floor of the water. In addition, if the weight is not enough ogruzki, slowly sinking nozzle intercepted smaller redeye.