Tagged: Fishing

Fishing - entertainment, leisure, type of rest, tourism and sports.

By season: summer, winter.

Features of catching silver bream. 0

Catching features of the bream on the rocker.

Features of catching silver bream on a rocker. On the yoke, big bream likes to take in conditions of muddy water and shallow depth. Features of catching silver bream on a rocker. Many fishermen know, that in conditions of muddy water, the bream is quite often...

Methods for preparing vegetable baits. 2

Methods for preparing vegetable baits.

Methods for preparing vegetable baits. What are the varieties of vegetable baits. Cooking methods. The article is written for everyone who loves fishing., who has fishing in the first place of rest. Who is this so-called lifestyle for?. For...


The bait will provide a frenzied bite!

The bait will provide a frenzied bite! Everyone can build a simple bait. This method is especially relevant in July., when summer residents start digging in young potatoes. The bait will provide a frenzied bite! The coming vacation was planned to be spent in the village, visit at the same time...

Beginner's Guide 4

Beginner's Guide

Beginner's Guide.   The basis of your equipment, will become a fishing rod and reel. You need to choose a simple, universal, more or less reliable coil.     Your best gear, following: 1) lure kit, 2) set for...

Trout fishing 0

Trout fishing

Trout fishing. Trout fishing. Different ways of fishing. Bait for trout. Types of Trout.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkxxmEGHh5I

Beautiful 0


Zander.   Zander definition.       Can grow to 100 cm in length Gill cover no spine (the gill cover in males has a short sharp spine) Two dorsal (rear) fin, first with spikes,...

Yellow perch 1


Perch – freshwater fish.   Freshwater perch, perhaps, is the largest fish.     Striped bass is definitely schooling, and sometimes anglers can find them in large numbers in summer and autumn. Popular sports...

Grabbed 95SF - marsh reaper 0

Grabbed 95SF – marsh reaper

Grabbed 95SF – swamp reaper Pontoon 21 Grabbed 95SF, which will be discussed, not stated loudly anywhere. Not noticed in sports breakthroughs. One side, that's not bad. The cost is not overpriced, its scarce...

Zama from fish 1

Zama from fish

Zama from fish-fish soup Zama from fish is a Moldovan national soup, which includes homemade kvass, giving the broth a special bread flavor. On a hot summer day, such a soup is just that, what...

bream 0


Bream best trophy One of the most enviable trophy for poplavochnika and donochnika. Catching big bream fishing requires great skill and a lot of experience, as this fish can be found in waters with no current, and...

Svimbeyty - bait for predators 0

Svimbeyty – bait for predators

Svimbeyty – Svimbeyty bait for predators, whether simple or compound, very much like a predatory fish. Their sweeping zigzag or bow-shaped course is misleading not only fishermen, but, above all, pike. In addition, their wiring...

fly fishing 0

fly fishing

Fly fishing The first mention of fly fishing have been noted in the works of ancient writers, In the Middle Ages, this method is described in the writings of St. elbaite, in which for the first time recommendations for the production of a variety of artificial flies,...