Tagged: Zander

Zander. By way of life, pike perch is a typical predator. Large fish.

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Zander.   Zander definition.       Can grow to 100 cm in length Gill cover no spine (the gill cover in males has a short sharp spine) Two dorsal (rear) fin, first with spikes,...

Зама из рыбы 2

Zama from fish

Zama from fish-fish soup Zama from fish is a Moldovan national soup, which includes homemade kvass, giving the broth a special bread flavor. On a hot summer day, such a soup is just that, what...

Салат «Копчёник» 3

Smoked Salad

Smoked Salad Smoked fish is good in itself ‚but it can also be used in combination dishes: salads ‚pate. It only takes a little patience when releasing the fish from the bones and you get a salad “Kopchyonik” In one of...

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Coastal fishing walleye in spring

Shore fishing for pike perch in spring With the arrival of early spring, coastal fishing for pike perch in spring becomes relevant. Sure, not all lucky. Fanged nature – it is quite a complex predator and is available only for experienced spinnings, well...

Судак 1

Catching perch on a spinning

Catching walleye zander spinning on a spinning hard enough to pass. Little of, he impenetrable mouth, so he also capricious against weather conditions. This leads to, what, eg, today's...

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fly fishing

Fly fishing The first mention of fly fishing have been noted in the works of ancient writers, In the Middle Ages, this method is described in the writings of St. elbaite, in which for the first time recommendations for the production of a variety of artificial flies,...