Rainbow trout
Rainbow trout.
Rainbow trout and its habits.
Mikiza, or rainbow trout (Kamchatka Salmon)- got its name from delicious shades, that sparkle on their skin. Rainbow trout color changes mainly according to gender, environment and development. Shades on the back of the trout can range from earthy to olive or dull blue.. All rainbow trouts have a pink stripe along the entire length of the body and a silver underside, which fades to pearl white. On their back, blades and tail have small dark spots.
Trout – individuals from the salmon family and can subsequently become generally huge. Normal developing trout has a length of about 40 centimeters and weighs from 1 to 3,5 kilogram. Rainbow trout, which moves to larger waterways, like Great Lakes or Seas, can develop much more and is referred to as "Steel Heads".
During the spawning season in spring, rainbow trout will find a separate bay or delta. The female will plunge into a decline in the rock, called "reddish", where will she lay her eggs. After that, how the male cooks them, female buries eggs. For insurance during installation, and then leaves the house. If likely, that the water temperature is cool enough, eggs will appear in about 21 day after procrastination. Just a couple of 200-8000 eggs, which were received, survive to adults. The usual life expectancy of rainbow trout in nature is from 4 to 6 years old. Spawning runs from March to May in the upper reaches of rivers and streams.
Dark Spot Trout
Trout – these are predators, who will eat almost everything, that they can, small fish and shellfish. They will also eat fish eggs., including eggs of another rainbow trout.
Trout begins to spawn in 3 years or 4.
The generation of the rainbow trout season occurs in spring.
Rainbow trout – known as trout with dark spots (due to dark spots on their bodies). They can cross with another dark spotted trout..
Heat resistance of rainbow trout is from 0 to 21 degrees Celsius
Their optimal range is somewhere in the range from 12 to 15.
The shades of rainbow trout will vary depending on diet and environmental conditions..
Rainbow trout meat can turn from white to dull red. Pink meat, like salmon. Dark red or orange meat may show, that the trout took care of an additional diet.
Like salmon, rainbow trout is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fats.
Female trout can bring from 200 to 8000 eggs during the season.
One unmistakable trait of rainbow trout – this is their innate desire to return, to spawn in the same stream, in which she was born.
Never fish with the sun behind you. Trout has excellent visual perception.; in probability, that you cast a shadow on the water, trout will see you and sail away.
Keep calm, moving to your fishing point. Trout also has great hearing.
Throw a piece of wood peel upstream, before catching. Watch him, to check, is he spinning in a whirlpool. If that happens, then this place, where will the fish be caught. Drop your bait and let it follow the tide.
Wear dull clothes. Trout Can Identify Shiny Shades.
Perfect approach
Trout – wild fish. You can use many strategies, to catch her, however be sure to try using that, what looks characteristic.
Rainbow trout loves running water. She goes great distances.
Trout fishing – one of the most fascinating outdoor activities. There are many ways to catch trout..
What is the most ideal approach, to get trout? When searching for trout in moving water, such as streams and waterways, catching flies is the most ideal approach for reliable trout fishing. When fishing in lakes, the best procedure for trout is trolling or catching fake baits., such as jig.
Fly fishing provides anglers with maximum adaptability and flexibility.. Good strategy for fishing for brook trout, rainbow trout, earthy trout and ferocious trout. Fake flies most often pretend to be a normal trap and can be directly configured to, what trout can be caught now. For any period of time, when you are happy to change your approach, catching flies also bears fruit in small streams and huge rivers.
Regarding fishing in moderate water conditions, such as lakes and storage, catching flies can work, however you are in an ideal situation, using fake baits for trolling or jigging. Trout in lakes can be very difficult to find, since it constantly wanders and is often not so firmly connected with the unmistakable spread of the terrain.
The most ideal way to catch trout in streams and rivers
1. Small streams
When you catch trout in small streams, you, usually, control fast movement in shallow water. Small mountain streams are regularly very strongly hidden by trees above their heads.. Probably, you cannot catch huge trout from these streams. But they can be good for small to medium sized local trout species..
The two most ideal approaches to fishing for trout from a mountain stream – it's fly fishing and trapping. Use sweet corn as bait, worm, grasshoppers and small baits. In these streams, fly fishing can be amazing., especially dry flies. Look for slower foci of water, such as whirlpools, with steep bank erosions, where the water is deeper and moderately moving. Big trout gather in these pockets against the tide.
2. Huge streams / small rivers
When catching small streams, a live trap on the turntable can be attractive.. Go with the worms, corn and small minnow. Fly Fishing is Surprisingly Better. Fly Fishing – the most ideal approach to trout fishing. In huge streams or small waterways. In case, if you have waders, reasonably get to trout living space. Dry flies really work well in case, if you see, how trout rises to the surface.
3. Big rivers
When you fish on large rivers, fly fishing can work, but you significantly improve your skills, processing huge rivers, such as lakes and reservoirs. Throwing and trolling fake lures – the most ideal way to find and catch this trout. I highly recommend using triggers to deeply transfer your lures against current. You can also use large rods., to pull your bait far from the boat and use more fishing rods.
Trout Search
When fishing in lakes and storages, the most difficult thing to find is trout. – is to find fish. In many cases, you can get trout from the shore., however this may require a lot of experimentation, to find great fishing spots. You can fish or fish from the shore with some achievement, if trout is kept near the shore.
More likely, that the trout will be far from the coast, and to get it you need a boat. The fish is close to the outbreaks, the mouths of streams and along deep channels, to find a huge rainbow trout as well, like lake trout. These are acceptable starting points., but trout from the reservoir, it seems, truly transient and can roam around the lake during the day.
Another key thing, to remember. It `s that, that trout will regularly be between the surface and the water column when moving. To find trout in lakes, can be expected. What will you troll for a considerable period of time, before you get the first hit. When do you get your first hit, mark this place and start moving and throwing lures over this area. In that case, if the fish sank deep, catch her with a jig. In case, if they are closer to the surface, use throwing lures and jigs, to focus on this trout.
fly fishing
Fly Fishing – this is a technical fishing method, which requires special equipment and acquired skills. No fish lend themselves to fly fishing so much, like trout.
Fly Fishing – this is just one way to catch trout, albeit very effective.
Trout diet, especially rainbow, brown trout and brown trout, especially suitable for fly fishing. Trout feeds on insects and aquatic invertebrates. They willingly consume midges, insect larvae, strokes, bees, horseflies, grasshoppers, crayfish, freshwater shrimp and many other species.
Mix ground dog or cat food with flour and water. To create a simple homemade trout fishing lure.