The bait for fishing ide

The bait for fishing ide

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fishing ide

ide, the fish is very capricious, this bait should be adjusted very accurately and competently (The bait for fishing ide). Well, local fishermen in this case no problems arise, even in remote areas sometimes do not always have all the necessary ingredients for the batch feeding.

Personally, I as an avid angler, noticed one feature, bait on the ide should be prepared based on the time of year, weather and pond where you are going to catch. If the fisherman knows all the nuances of properly combine, it takes a good catch, more precisely with the maximum.

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There is of course more or less universal batch. It's simple and it is better to do with their own hands, rather than buying in the store. Generally, you must pick up and put in a saucepan working five or six handfuls of pure, cereal and a handful of less crumbly cake, all put on a slow fire and soar so about half an hour, slowly stir, five minutes before removing the pan from the stove need to add fifty grams of fragrant sunflower oil to impart odor and also mix. Wait until cool, then you can go on a fishing trip.

When the pop-bait in the water, We need to make, that the batch is sufficiently dense to, that would be no problem it could throw six or seven meters. On the quiet and calm waters better throw, four or five meters. If the depth near the shore and the water is not a big light in the batch is recommended to add a dark clay.

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Ide under water

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