Category: Delicious recipes

Delicious recipes. Fish must be present in the diet of every person. In this section you will find delicious recipes from fish dishes..

Зама из рыбы 2

Zama from fish

Zama from fish-fish soup Zama from fish is a Moldovan national soup, which includes homemade kvass, giving the broth a special bread flavor. On a hot summer day, such a soup is just that, what...

Салат «Копчёник» 3

Smoked Salad

Smoked Salad Smoked fish is good in itself ‚but it can also be used in combination dishes: salads ‚pate. It only takes a little patience when releasing the fish from the bones and you get a salad “Kopchyonik” In one of...

Лосось маринованный в тайских специях 2

Thai spices marinated salmon

Thai spices marinated salmon and quickly fried. Ingredients (four servings) A piece of ginger – 2См 5 cm Coriander seeds (ground) – 1 Art. spoon Chili Powder – ¼ Art. Sesame oil (can olive)...