How I caught crucian carp in winter

How I caught crucian carp in winter. I've heard rumors, that in the neighboring village the crucian carp bite well, and from time to time carp do not disdain using a jig with bloodworms, so I went around to the neighbors with a proposal to try fishing in a new place. The proposal was supported by three experienced fishermen and, so as not to postpone the trip indefinitely, decided to leave the next morning.

Having covered sixty kilometers of road, a small body of water opened up in front of us, located in the middle of the village, from which the main part of the shore was occupied by the vegetable gardens of local residents. Perhaps this is why the raking hands of tenants have not yet reached the reservoir, since it is quite problematic to prohibit a villager from fishing, practically, in your garden.

How I caught look in winter



There was no one else on the ice besides us., so I had to independently explore the reservoir in search of fishing spots. The entire area of ​​the ice surface was in frozen holes, what was said about that, that they tried to catch crucian carp everywhere. Without identifying a “cool” place, we decided, that everyone will fish for what he or she personally likes, and after a while, after summing up the first results, group near the most scoring hole.

I settled down near the shore, drilled four holes and set up fishing rods. The place was not deep, just a meter and a half, so I decided to wait, look, how are things going?, and I didn’t put bait in the holes. While stationed for fishing, the cloudy day came into its own.

The first bite didn’t take long to arrive. The float moved slightly twice, then he started to get up and lay down on his side. Hooked and on the ice there was a crucian carp worth one hundred and fifty grams. I lowered the jig under the ice and after a few minutes my catch was doubled by crucian carp of the same size. In the allotted hour, the floats rose about a dozen times, and I got seven one-sized crucian carp. With comrades, which are located in the middle of the reservoir, where is deeper, the results of an hour's fishing were no worse than mine.

The conclusion was obvious: fish are biting all over the pond, but inactive.

How I caught crucian carp in winter

How I caught crucian carp in winter


During our “competition,” fishermen gradually began to appear on the ice. And now nearly fifty winter fishing enthusiasts have scattered throughout the entire area of ​​the reservoir in search of fish.. But crucian carp, as if mocking the people who came, closer to ten in the morning a boycott was announced. The floats in the holes froze, but the most impatient fishermen began to move across the ice. They looked for fish everywhere, even in reed thickets, but all efforts were in vain. The crucian carp did not give himself away.

Gradually the most desperate people came from the reservoir. We also began to think about returning home, but before the road we decided to have lunch. Sat down in a circle, took out their supplies and slowly began to eat homemade food, discussing your next steps.

Not far from us there is another company of local residents., who didn't eat as much, how many snacks did you have?. In short, had a full rest. They called a young guy to their place, going about his business and shortening his path through a frozen pond. Feeling better after the second glass and deciding to thank my fellow countrymen for their hospitality, the guy got up from the table and loudly promised to do this, after which the biting will resume again. With a confident gait, he headed towards the tractor brigade located nearby..

How I caught crucian carp in winter

How I caught crucian carp in winter

Crucian carp in winter

Soon the winter rural silence was broken by the steady rattling of a diesel engine.. An old tractor descended onto the ice along the uneven shore and began to drive around the pond in a circle.. The ice was thick, but under the weight of a two-ton car it sagged even near that place, where did she go, as a result, water came out of the holes and wet the snow, why the white surface was covered with dark spots. Having made several circles around the pond, the “iron horse”, drove ashore and went to her parking place.

The fishermen joked about this race, however, at the end of it, they went to their places to place fishing rods. We also went to our holes. I changed the bloodworm on the first fishing rod, on the second and took on the third. He glanced at the floats, and one is already lying on its side. A quick hook and on the ice is another crucian carp of the standard size for these places. While I was busy catching fish, in the next hole the float began to rise.

Fishing in winter

Winter fishing

Crucian carp on ice

I can't find an explanation for this, that a crucian carp went on strike after several circles of the tractor on the ice. Suddenly changed his mind and started pecking. And the fish bit so well. I had to give up casting a couple of fishing rods and fish with the remaining two. There was such a feeling, as if there was a line of crucian carp lined up near the jigs and bloodworms, the bites were so frequent. The number of fish caught near the holes was increasing, two small ones were added to the crucian carp, half a kilo carp.

Things were also going well for my fishing colleagues. Crucian carp was caught throughout the reservoir. There was also carp, bringing cheers and excitement to the ice with his playing. Had to widen the hole, to pull out the prey.

This “crazy” fishing lasted for two hours, as the bite began to deteriorate, but it's not over. Carp not so often, but continued to be caught until our departure. The results of our trip exceeded our expectations, only my catch was almost ten kilograms.

Next time we came to this rural pond, after just the end of winter. Same winter season, when the ice has already moved away from the shore. Caught some crucian carp, the bite was much worse and the result of the previous fishing remained oh, how unreachable. Maybe, because of, that the tractor could no longer drive onto the ice...

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